Saturday, 4 May 2019

Pirate Explore!

We have had a fun week learning all about PIRATES! We have practiced our mapping skills using common symbols for different land features, we have made our boats balance and float in the water, we have used our imagination to sail on our pirate ships, we have followed instructions and used maths skills to complete pirate puzzles and much more...

SCIENCE / TECHNOLOGY - Bede made his boat in the form of a square so it would balance, he also made a sail so the wind could make it move like on pirate ships

MAPPING SKILLS / ART / SELF MANAGEMENT / CREATIVITY - These clever kids are working hard on their pirate masks and treasure maps so they can go hunting for treasure

 DRAMA - Oh no! Declan had to walk the plank because he was a 'naughty pirate'! 
I hope there are no sharks in the water!

 DRAMA - Look at these pirates sailing on their pirate ship! Declan is reading the treasure map to see where they need to go and Joel is putting up the sail so the ship can move!

DRAMA / SELF MANAGEMENT - Mele has learned to use the stapler so she could put her pirate mask together all by herself

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