Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Sea Animal Explore!

Last week we learned all about Sea Animals in Explore! We had lots of questions about sharks, seahorses, whales and turtles and we were all wondering how the different sea animals can breathe underwater.  Ask us at home how some of our favourite sea animals breathe underwater! 

We also talked a lot about our global responsibility with rubbish. Some of us thought that people took bags of rubbish and dropped it in the sea, so we were pretty surprised to find out rubbish we leave out in the playground can end up in our oceans! We have been working so hard to make sure there is no rubbish lying around so that we can help keep the home of our sea animal friends clean. 

 Thomas enjoyed looking through the books about all the different sea animals

 Lots of us worked hard to include others this week - some of us even worked together to make puppet shows with our sea creatures! 

 Nicolette was very focused when making her ocean scene and was so proud of her work! 

 Bede worked so carefully to colour and create his graph - he could even tell us which sea creatures there were the most of in his picture by reading his graph!

 Evie and Cassiaus spotted some rubbish out the window and were really keen to go out and pick it up! 

 Harper, Rose and Kahurangi took turns to fish for numbers and read them!

 Brayden did a great job of explaining the life cycle of a sea turtle

 Declan loved looking at all the different kinds of sharks and did a great job sorting them in to different groups based on their physical attributes

 Rangimarie, Kieran and Evie played the memory game and practised taking turns and fair play

 Isaiah was so proud of his under the sea graph! 
 Evie was very dedicated to informing people of why we shouldn't litter - she even made this cool poster to tell others! 

Jasmine was super proud of her cool underwater scene! 

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