Saturday, 9 March 2019

Space Explore

This week we got to explore Space!
We had a lot of fun creating rocket ships, space stations and learning about all the different planets. We worked on showing our creativity by coming up with new and original ideas for our creations as well as trying to negotiate with others to share our equipment. 

Creating our space stations and rocket ships using our Te Takaro shed equipment!

Aidan and Luke worked together to create their rocket ship and showed me how it all works.

Maia and Acacia drawing upside down like an astronaut!

Ryan worked hard to build his space car so he could drive on different planets!

Grayson, Bruno, Kahurangi and Daniel built their own space cars that joined together.

Rangimari building a space helmet!

Rin drawing a unicorn like an astronaut 

Oscar worked hard to build a parachute for his rocket so it could land safely

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