Saturday, 9 March 2019

Water Explore

This week in Explore we focused on Water!
We got to try a range of different things with water including painting with ice, testing if an object floats or not and of course building boats to try in our new water trough! We tried to use our prior knowledge to help us see if we can melt an ice cube the fastest or judge if something would float or not. 

Bede measured different amounts of water and manged to get exactly 3 cups of water!

Rin tried to get all of the water equal in her cups

Cassiaus and Mack marking if an object floated or not

Painting with some colourful ice!

Harper decided using the water fountain would help melt the ice cube quicker.

Alexandra decided to do some science with the water

Brayden's boat!

Mia's Mum made an origami boat so we decided to try make it ourselves

Here is Mia's finished origami boat!

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